The Case for Positive Entanglements with the Colonial Past:
Singapore as Locus Theologicus of Contextual Theology

Terence Wee, CSsR


The importance of “context” in theological exploration has been solidly affirmed through disciplines such as contextual theology and intercultural theology.  These disciplines stressed that it is impractical to establish a one-size-fits-all narrative in the search for God-talk. Inspired by this idea, this paper attempts to provide a fresh optic into postcolonial theology by introducing Singapore as a Locus Theologicus. The insights of Singapore’s contextual theology can offer an alternative vision into understanding the relationship, power dynamics, and theological discourse between a locality and its colonizer. Ultimately, this invites the consideration for a new paradigm to harvest positive entanglements with a colonial past, which could eventually facilitate a journey from lamentation to hope.